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Alexander Balduin

Geochemistry / Mineral Physics

TRR 170 Database Manager, IT-Support

Malteserstr. 74-100
Room 241 Building B
12249 Berlin

Office hours

Study & Research Interests

Geochemical modelling; Major & Trace Elements; Precambrian Research; Using ICP-MS analyses for geochemistry; Modelling through Matlab, Fortran and Perplex

Bachelor Thesis

Work in progress: South Africa, Swasiland: Comparison the major and trace element chemistry of samples from Swasiland with the Ancient Gneiss Complex (AGC).

Supervisor: Elis Hoffmann & Kathrin Schneider 

Working Experience

Oct 2017 - present           Student Assistant for Prof. Dr. Lena Noack 

Feb 2017 - present:          IT-Student Assistant for the TRR 170 and FUB Geochemistry Website

                                         and management of computer resources.

                                         (Webmaster : https://www.trr170-lateaccretion.de )        

Apr 2016 -  Sep 2017:      Student Assistant for Section 3.3: Earth Surface Geochemistry

                                         at the GFZ: Sample preparation and general support of

                                         Cleanlab &   ICP – Lab analyses.

Feb 2016 - Nov 2016 :     Preparation of Samples from Southafrica (AGC/BA) in the Mineral

                                         Separation Lab and Clean Lab related to the DFG funded Project with

                                         PI Dr. Elis Hoffmann and Kathrin Schneider. 

Conference Assistant:

EPSC 2019 in Geneva

EGU 2019 in Vienna

EANA 2018 in Berlin (Part of the organisation team)

EPSC 2018 in Berlin

EGU 2018 in Vienna

Force 2017 in Berlin

Conference Abstracts:


Balduin A. and Noack L. (2019) - Mantle mixing efficiency during Archean Earth EGU2019-4454 | Posters | GD1.2/AS4.61/BG5.4/CL1.01/GMPV1.6/TS1.6


Balduin A., Noack L. (2018) - Phase transitions in rocky mantles - influence of composition and temperature EGU2018-1810 | Posters | GD3.1/GMPV7.3/PS1.2/SM4.08

Noack L., Balduin A. (2018) - Mantle mixing over time EPSC2018-558 | Oral |  EXO4/TP14/OPS9/MD6

Field Work

Geological mapping: Eifel, Brohtal - April 2012 - 14 Days

Field trip: Vulkanismus in der Eifel